Beyond Accessibility: Textual Studies in the 21st Century
Call for Papers
The Textual Studies team of INKE (Implementing New Knowledge Environments) wish to invite presentation proposals for Beyond Accessibility: Textual Studies in the 21st Century .
June 8, 9, and 10, 2012, University of Victoria, Victoria BC, Canada.
Keynote speakers: Adriaan van der Weel (Leiden University) and Sydney Shep, (Victoria University of Wellington)
At the end of the 20th century, textual studies witnessed a revolution in accessibility to texts with the explosion of the internet. Now we simply take it for granted that digital processes infuse every step of our study, editing, production, and dissemination of texts. The Textual Studies team of INKE invites presentations that address the questions “What is the state of textual studies in the 21st century? What is the important work of textual studies in the 21st century? What are the outstanding issues, challenges, concerns, emerging trends, methods, attitudes, and exciting developments in textual scholarship? Papers may address such questions as
* What is the state of the scholarly edition after the transition from print to print and digital?
* What is the impact on the material book and on book history of the different kinds of access enabled by the digital medium?
* How have authorship attribution studies been transformed by access to so many more searchable texts?
* How has the new age of access to materials affected the state of textual studies in various regions of the globe?
* How well are scholars being served by traditional and emerging infrastructures for the study, creation, production, and dissemination of texts?
* What is the future of, for example, the study of readership and letter writing, genetic editing, and reception history?
INKE is a multi-national, multi-disciplinary research initiative, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and partnering organizations, to study, develop, and implement digital environments for reading and research ( The Textual Studies Team of INKE is researching ways in which the age of manuscript and print production can inform our development and implementation of electronic reading technologies.
We invite proposals for papers, posters/demonstrations, and roundtable discussions that address these and other issues pertinent to research in textual studies. Proposals should contain a title, a detailed and focussed abstract (of approximately 300 words) plus list of works cited, and the names, affiliations, and Website URLs of presenters. Please send proposals before 15 December 2011 to
Potential participants in the conference, particularly those coming from abroad, might be interested to take advantage of the Digital Humanities Summer Institute, which will just before our conference, from 4-8 June, also at the University of Victoria ( A limited number of scholarships for workshop tuition will be available for graduate students participating in the Beyond Accessibility conference. Also of potential interest is the annual conference of the Society for Digital Humanities (SDH/SEMI) at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences at Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, 28-30 May, 2012 (
Interdisciplinary Multidisciplinary Woolf
7-10 June 2012
University of Saskatchewan
This conference invites explorations of Virginia Woolf’s work from a range of different disciplinary perspectives and practices. We welcome proposals on any aspect of Woolf studies, and especially papers or performances that:
• respond to Virginia Woolf and her texts from interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approaches;
• respond to the inter- and multidisciplinary work carried out by Virginia Woolf and her circle; and/or
• respond to the implications of Virginia Woolf’s work by applying its themes and claims to other disciplinary, institutional, social, or cultural contexts.
Proposals may reflect (but need not be limited to) methodologies and knowledge from disciplines such as:
Queer Studies, the Digital Humanities, Native Studies, Literary Studies, History, Translation Studies, Art and Art History, Drama, Psychology/ Psychoanalysis, Business Administration, Media and Communications, Music, Political Science, the Study of Sexualities, Postcolonial Theory, Children’s Literature and Studies, Editing and Publishing, Creative Writing, Religious Studies, Economics, Film, the Study of Teaching and Learning, Cultural Studies, Sociology, Ecocriticism, Health, Women’s and Gender Studies, Anthropology, Disability Studies, Law…
Submissions from artists, writers, community activists, administrators, “common readers,” independent scholars, teachers, academics, and students are welcomed.
For paper proposals, please send a 250-word abstract as a Word attachment. For panel proposals, please submit a 250-word description of each paper to be presented by the three panel participants along with the proposed panel title. Because we will be using a blind submission process, please do not include your name on your proposal. Instead, in your covering e-mail, please include your
name(s), institutional affiliation (if any), paper title(s), and contact information.
Proposals and inquiries should be directed to Ann Martin, Department of English
306.966.5527 •
The deadline for submissions is: 1 February 2012.
We have come together…to make one thing, not enduring—for what endures?—
but seen by many eyes simultaneously. (The Waves)
Edmonton Launch Workshop
The Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory ( has funds available to assist scholars wishing to attend the workshop in Edmonton at the University of Alberta, on Thursday, Sept 29th 3:30-5:30 (project launch and reception for those who can make it); Friday, Sept 30th, and Saturday, Oct. 1st.
Workshop topics will include an introduction to CWRC, research-related policy discussions, visualization, interface, text analysis tools, debate of editorial matters including authority lists and textual tagging, and an introduction to current platform functionality. Dr. Laura Mandell of Texas A&M University will be addressing us on the topic of visualization and helping to lead our thinking in the area.
Priority will be given to: emergent scholars, those participating in a CWRC project, and those with limited travel funds.
Please send a brief application for support, specifying:
1) that you are applying for support for the Edmonton workshop
2) your name, institutional position or background, institutional affiliation (or if none, then a brief account of your research area and interest in the CWRC project);
3) the project, research interest or activity that you expect participation in the workshop to advance;
4) an estimated budget of expenses, indicating the amount of your request. Accommodation has been reserved at Campus Towers ($133 and $150), and Lister Centre (residences, $109) from Sept. 29-Oct. 2.
Send this information to by August 19 for full consideration. Requests made after this date may still be considered if funds are available.
If you have not yet submitted a funding report and have been asked to do so, please go to to submit your report. (IMPORTANT: Before you fill in the form, please Log In to the EMiC website so that the form is associated with your user account). If you have any trouble submitting the form, please contact us as soon as possible at
UPDATE: Both and are going to be down for the next 24 hours or so. You can still view the site at:
Just a heads up that we may be experiencing some downtime in the next few days as I change the nameserver entry to point to For those of you who may go through withdrawal, I encourage you to use our twitter hash tag (#emic) even more than usual!
Welcome to the new EMiC website.