I’d like to take the opportunity to introduce to you Matt Huculak (matt-huculak@utulsa.edu), our new EMiC postdoctoral fellow. Matt recently finished his PhD at the University of Tulsa, with a specialization in modernism and periodical studies. His dissertation, “Middlebrow Politics and the Book War: Periodicals, Print History, and the Commercialization of Literature, 1905-31,’ was completed under the supervision of Sean Latham last August. He comes to us with many years of experience in editing and the digital humanities, including working as project manager and digital editor of the Modernist Journals Project, an editorial assistant with the James Joyce Quarterly, and webmaster for the Modernist Studies Association. His work in digital media involves designing collaborative environments to facilitate teaching and research–an objective that he has already achieved in providing online access to archival and rare print materials through the Modernist Journals Project, and that he plans to extend by creating for EMiC a digital bibliography and archive of modernist Canadian little magazines in English and French. Starting this September, he will be working with me and other graduate students at Dalhousie on his digitization project.
Please join me in welcoming Matt to our EMiC community.
Dean Irvine
Director, Editing Modernism in Canada (EMiC)
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