The British Academy has a small amount of funding (£5000) for collaborations between UK researchers and those in Commonwealth countries.
Would any EMiC participants of postdoctoral standing or above be interested in putting together an application with me for one of these awards, to collaborate on a joint publication or two? I’ve put details of the scheme below.
Special Joint Project Programmes: Commonwealth Countries
Funds are available to support joint projects between UK-based academics and those based in Commonwealth institutions. The scheme is administered in partnership with the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), and information may be sought from either the ACU or the International Relations Department at the British Academy.
Level of award: Up to £5,000
Period of award: Up to one year
Closing date: 13 October 2010
Further information: Please view the Notes for Applicants.
Method of application: Applications must be submitted via e-GAP2, the Academy’s electronic grant application system.
Details of past awards made under the scheme can be seen here.
I wonder whether Meg or Matt would be interested in your proposal for collaboration. Matt, our newest postdoc, is just settling into Halifax. I’ll let him know about your post.
Indeed, I would be interested. Anouk, I’ll send you an email shortly.
Anouk, as Dean said, I’m just settling down to Halifax (I should be getting university web access soon). Let me look over the guidelines–but at first glance, what are you thoughts on a project on Anglo/Canadian periodicals (shared commonwealth publications published in both London and Toronto/Montreal)? I notice that you are interested in the practices of reading, and this idea might provide us with a useful venue of approaching periodical reading practices between the two countries. We could suggest a digital component too. Did you have som
Sorry…Did you have something specific in mind?
Hi Matt — thanks for getting in touch. I’ll send you an email. Anouk