**IMPORTANT: Before you fill in the form, please Log In to the EMiC website so that the form is associated with your user account**
This form is for use by all faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, and undergraduate students who have received EMiC resources for research and/or training. This includes all recipients of Research Assistantships and Internships (both supervising faculty and students), MA and PhD Stipends, and Postdoctoral Fellowships, as well as all recipients of travel and accommodation subventions for conferences, workshops, and summer institutes. The form is submitted to the EMiC Director. The contents of your report are kept strictly confidential. Information that you provide is used for purposes of reporting to SSHRC and other funding bodies; it is not shared with other project participants. It is important that you provide a full and candid report of your research and training experiences; these reports help us make changes to our networking and training initiatives to better serve the EMiC community.
In addition to completing this confidential report, we encourage you to post a story about your research and/or training experiences to the EMiC community blog. These blog posts are a crucial means of communicating with project participants, partners, and the general public. Public dissemination of knowledge about our research and training is one of the principal reasons why we distribute resources to EMiC researchers, so please take an active role in reporting back to the communities that have supported you.
Please direct any questions or concerns to the EMiC Director (dean.irvine@dal.ca).
Please fill out the form below to submit your funding report.